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Rockford University Dominican Republic Serve & Study Abroad Trip

09/19/2024 11:43 am

By Dr. Kelly Monson, Dr. Danielle Klein, & Dr. Beth Lipton

Dominican Republic service trip in Summer 2024

On May 14, 2024, sixteen students and three Rockford University faculty began a week-long transformational journey to serve a small rural community in the Dominican Republic.  Participants were immersed in the culture of the community through service and teaching.  

The team who led the students on this trip included Dr. Kelly Monson, Dr. Danielle Klein, and Dr. Beth Lipton, and had support on campus from Julie Griffith. Monsoon, Klein, and Lipton guided students through a cross-cultural experience that integrated their study abroad academic experience, combined with service.

Rockford University partnered with Kids Around the World, an outreach organization established in Rockford, to build a playground for a small community in the Dominican Republic.  This was the second Serve and Study Abroad trip for Rockford University in partnership with Kids Around the World, the first in 2022 serving in Ecuador.   

The team spent two rewarding and challenging days building a playground and one day teaching in a public school within the community.   

Student Daniella Torres Mandujano shared, “I am leaving feeling extremely grateful, grateful for the opportunity to have been able to go on such a remarkable trip. Grateful isn’t enough to express how it feels to have been able to be part of building a playground where children will be able to make lots of memories & be allowed to play, I hope to return and see the children playing, the impact it’s made on me is just as big as the impact it will be making on the children. The children there were the most welcoming and accepting, arriving at the school and feeling so loved and appreciated by the children made me so grateful to be there.”

Spanish is the primary language in the Dominican Republic and five of the Rockford University students were excited to act as translators throughout the trip. 

As student Naomi Cano Rodriguez shared, “To me the trip was astonishing. From seeing the kid’s faces light up to the parachute to having our final countdown as a team. Being able to speak Spanish was such an amazing possibility. I was able to make a deeper connection with the children and be able to help out the team by translating when it was needed. I was very excited to go out of the country for the first time because I knew that we were in good hands. As we landed and the days that we stayed I saw how the stories my mother used to tell me about how she lived when she was a child in Mexico and how the children’s lives were very similar.  

It brought tears to my eyes but I am beyond thankful to have built a playground in a location where all the children can enjoy and spend time with their families. This whole trip was very monumental because it made me realize all the stuff we take for granted that the families in the D.R. would love to have and it invokes change in me to be more appreciative for the stuff I have at home.  I am beyond thankful to the Kid Around the World team for all their effort in welcoming us and showing us the beauty that the Dominican Republic has to offer.”

The Rockford University students and faculty had the privilege of celebrating with the community and local government after the playground was complete. Students were appreciative of this opportunity.  

Student Savannah Turen shared, “Back home life is completely different. But not necessarily in a bad way. I will never forget the love the community gave us at the playground dedication. Back home playgrounds are so common they are often forgotten about. We forget to appreciate the simple things around us that not everyone has. This trip is a reminder to appreciate the little and simple things in life every day, not just sometimes.”

The majority of the students on this trip had never traveled out of the country and as future educators, the teaching opportunity had an impact on their future. 

Student Jennifer Pina shared, “I believe that there is truly no way to describe the impact of this trip besides actually living it. I have never flown out of the country, let alone be part of a project that would impact so many.  Being able to experience this trip allowed me to feel grateful for not only everything that I have back home but also the experience, culture, food, and community that we were surrounded by. 

As a future educator, I was grateful to work with children from a different population. As a person, I was grateful to work with and interact with people from a different Spanish-speaking culture who became like family. I am thankful for everyone who made this possible. I will forever remember this trip and can’t wait for the next one!”

Student Julissa Gutierrez shared that this was a life-changing experience.

“I am happy to say that going on this trip was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” Gutirrez said. “Not only do I feel that we really made a difference in the lives of many, but I also feel that I am going back home a different person in the best way possible. I met so many new people, listened to all kinds of stories, and learned about a beautiful culture. Not only that, but I learned that my life’s purpose goes way beyond what I thought before. I hope to continue living my life seeking the same joy, peace, and fulfillment that I felt throughout this whole adventure.”

This was an impactful experience for everyone on the trip. Students were asked to provide an impact word and story that encompassed their experience.  The impact terms included: Life-changing, Wondrous, Joyful, Eternal, Grateful, Unforgettable, Monumental, Love, Community, Appreciative, Grateful, Interesting, Grateful and Growth, Roles, Blissful, and Risk-taker.  

Rockford University hopes to partner with Kids Around the World to create a third Serve and Learn opportunity in the future.

This article is part of the 2023-2024 issue of Catalyst