04/24/2017 12:47 pm
Joshua Davis from Chicago, Illinois is our ROCK SOLID REGENT for the week. Joshua is a freshman computer science major and was nominated by Dr. Mehmet Dik. He is an active participant on the football team as well as the Minority Male Mentoring Program. Dr. Dik describes Joshua as a “role model student in and outside of the classroom.” He is a servant to others which is displayed in his actions as he gladly helps many students on campus. His work in Math 224-Statistics has been exemplary and he currently holds the title “Statistics King.” This title is given to the most successful male student in the class.
Joshua appreciates the very close-knit community at RU. During his first year he has discovered that there are so many free resources available to students. He also is thankful that the faculty and staff are willing to help you in any way possible. After graduation from RU Joshua would like to pursue a career in the IT security field. Congratulations, Joshua, on being a ROCK SOLID REGENT!
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