02/09/2016 11:14 am
John Finley, from Rockford, Illinois is a junior political science major and was nominated by Rebecca Wallgren, Box Office Manager for Maddox Theatre. Rebecca shared, “John has impressed me with his leadership, character, sense of humor, and overall knowledge of the RU experience.” Rebecca is very pleased that she hired John to work in the Box Office. She is thankful for how well he handles a public role on campus. In addition to working a campus job, he serves as the co-coordinator of Campus Activities Board (CAB) as well as the treasurer and vice president of InterVarsity. He is also a member of the cross country and track and field teams.
John appreciates the small class sizes and the small community at RU. He enjoys being able to talk with his teachers if he has questions and wants to know more about a subject. John also likes that RU is small enough that he can know a lot of people, but big enough that he can still meet new people on campus. Attending law school after graduation from Rockford University is a current goal for John. Congratulations, John!
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