04/22/2016 10:58 am
Jennifer Caterina is the Rock Solid Regent for the week of April 17. She is a sophomore math and theater major from Huntingdon, Tennessee. She was nominated by Dr. Mehmet Dik and Dr. Filiz Dik. They shared that Jennifer has been an asset to the math department. Specifically, “she has been a tremendous help during the Northern Illinois Association of Mathematics Teachers annual math competitions for local high schools hosted at RU in January”. Additionally they comment that she is meticulous, professional and a joy to have in class.
Jennifer is very busy with a double major but she also makes time for extracurricular activities. She is a participant in the Regents Players and a member of the Math Club. She has also worked in the math lab and scene shop, as well as served as secretary for the Regents Players. Jennifer feels that RU is the right place for her because she can pursue her multiple passions at the same time. She also appreciates RU’s small size because it allows her to receive individualized attention and help from faculty and staff. After graduation she hopes to purse her passion for directing and theater. Congratulations, Jennifer!
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