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Campus News / News

Faculty Awarded Tenure

06/26/2020 3:58 pm

Congratulations to the following faculty members awarded tenure:

Ronald Lee Ph.D., Assistant Professor; Director of First Year Seminar

Kimberley Hartwig M.S.N., RNC-MNN, Assistant Professor of Nursing

Luis Romero ’01 M.B.A., Associate Professor of Economics, Business, and Accounting; Director, MBA Program

Rockford University Assistant Professor Ron Lee, Ph.D.

Rockford University Assistant Professor and Director of First Year Seminar Ron Lee, Ph.D.

Rockford University Professor

Kimberley Hartwig M.S.N., RNC-MNN, Assistant Professor of Nursing.

Rockford University Professor

Luis Romero ’01 M.B.A., Associate Professor of Economics, Business, and Accounting; Director, MBA Program.