Student Complaint Policies and Procedures
Rockford University is dedicated to treating all students fairly and respectfully. The University’s policies that apply to students are published in the Rockford University Academic Catalog and Rockford University Student Handbook, available on the Rockford University website.
General Grievances Submissions
Student Complaint/Grievance Process |
Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns directly with the person or office involved to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved informally, the student may file a formal complaint in writing. The process for filing a student complaint/grievance can be found on the Rockford University website. Students who wish to file a formal complaint or have questions on the complaint process should contact the Compliance and Title IX Coordinator (815-226-2842 or located in the Student Life Suite on the 1st floor of Burpee. | |||
For information about other complaint processes: |
Type of Complaint |
Reason to file |
Method |
Submission Office & Location |
Sexual Misconduct |
Sexual misconduct incident |
Contact: 815-226-2842 |
Student Life Suite Burpee – 1st Floor |
Grade Appeal |
After speaking with instructor, the student feels grade was arbitrarily assigned |
See Forms section of Portal |
Instructor and Office of Academic Affairs – Library |
Financial Aid Suspension Appeal |
Emergency Condition |
Letter of appeal with date & signature |
Financial Aid Office |
Late Registration Appeal |
Outstanding payments on student account |
Letter of appeal with date & signature |
Asst. VP of Student Administrative Services (SAS) |
Refund Policies Appeal |
Withdrawal from courses after Add/Drop Date |
Letter of appeal with date & signature |
Asst. VP of Student Administrative Services (SAS) |
Student Conduct Appeals |
Procedures were not properly followed, new information is introduced that may change the outcome, or the finding is against the substantial weight of evidence or the severity of the sanction |
Letter of appeal with date & signature |
Stated in letter For questions: Vice President for Student Lifes Student Life Suite Burpee – 1st Floor |
Senior Vice President for
Student Life and Operations
Burpee 1st Floor, Student Life Suite 125
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
Dr. Randy Worden