Supportive Measures

Supportive Measures are individualized measures offered as appropriate and reasonably available without unreasonably burdening a Complainant or Respondent, not for punitive or disciplinary reasons, and without fee or charge to the Complainant or Respondent to:

(1) Restore or preserve that Party’s access to the University’s education program or activity, including measures that are designed to protect the safety of the Parties or the University’s educational environment; or

(2) Provide support during the applicable grievance procedures or the informal resolution process outlined in this Policy.

Supportive Measures may vary depending on what Rockford University deems to be reasonably available. These measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Counseling on- and off-campus and assistance in setting up an initial appointment
    • Extensions of deadlines and other course-related adjustments such as taking an incomplete in a class
    • Campus escort services
    • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus
    • Restrictions on contact applied to one or more Parties
    • Leaves of absence
    • Changes in class, work, housing, or extracurricular or any other activity, regardless of whether there is or is not a comparable alternative
    • Training and education programs related to sex-based harassment
    • Providing academic support services, such as tutoring;
    • Any other remedy that can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals of this Policy

Supportive Measures must not unreasonably burden either Party.

The University may, as appropriate, modify or terminate Supportive Measures at the conclusion of the grievance procedures or an informal resolution process as set forth in this Policy, or the University may continue them beyond that point.

Implementation: Rockford will offer and coordinate Supportive Measures for the Complainant regardless of whether or not a Complaint is made. The University will offer and coordinate Supportive Measures for Respondent when a Complaint is made. The Parties will have the opportunity to consider Supportive Measures, and the Title IX Coordinator will take into account these wishes in determining which Supportive Measures to offer. Although Supportive Measure may require collaboration with various Departments on campus, the Title IX Coordinator will serve as the point of contact for Complainants and Respondents.

Confidentiality: Rockford University will not disclose information about any Supportive Measures to persons other than the person to whom they apply, including informing one Party of Supportive Measures provided to another Party, unless necessary to provide the Supportive Measure or restore or preserve a Party’s access to the education program or activity, or when one of the exceptions set forth in Section 2. applies.

Opportunity to Challenge Supportive Measures: Complainants and Respondents have the right to a timely opportunity to seek, from an appropriate and impartial employee, modification or reversal of any decision to provide, deny, modify, or terminate Supportive Measures applicable to them. The impartial employee must be someone other than the employee who made the challenged decision and must have authority to modify or reverse the decision if the impartial employee determines that the decision to provide, deny, modify, or terminate the Supportive Measure was inconsistent with the definition of Supportive Measures set forth in this Policy. Parties also have the opportunity to seek additional modification or termination of a Supportive Measure applicable to them if circumstances change materially.


The University may remove a Respondent from its education program or activity on an emergency basis, provided that Rockford University undertakes an individualized safety and risk analysis, determines that an imminent and serious threat to the health or safety of a Complainant or any students, employees, or other persons arising from the allegations of sex discrimination justifies removal, and provides the Respondent with notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal.


The University may place an employee Respondent on administrative leave from employment responsibilities during the pendency of the grievance procedures.

Compliance and Title IX
Burpee Center, Student Life Suite
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108