This page is designed for faculty to learn about other best practices in the classroom as it relates to equity based on sex-and gender.  Quick tips will be shared from campus faculty and other professionals regarding best practice or promising practices.

  • Pregnant and Parenting Students. What should be considered? Learn more here.
  • What the  recent changes Title IX regulations mean for faculty and staff members:
  1. Your reporting responsibilities have not changed.  Responsible employee obligations are still in effect.
  2. Increase in accused students rights.
  3. Resolution officers have a few things to consider for investigation of these concerns.
  4. The regulations are interim and we will continue to monitor for other changes.
  5. Our campus policy and procedure has not changed at this time, but we will consider best practices in the days to come.


  • A faculty suggested resource: learn more about this


Page revised fall 2017

Compliance and Title IX
Burpee Center, Student Life Suite
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108