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Campus Events

Charter Day

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

This year’s Charter Day commemorates the 174th anniversary of the signing of the charter for Rockford University. 

Last Lecture: “Creativity, Crisis, and Why Our Imaginations Matter” by Dr. Marilen Loyola

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

Join us on February 1 at 4 p.m. to hear Dr. Marilen Loyola present her “Last Lecture” via Zoom. The Last Lecture is part of the Spring Forum series at the University and provides an opportunity for students to nominate a member of the faculty to deliver his or her ‘last lecture’ as the University nears...

RU Career Closet Launch Day

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

The RU Career Closet is presented by the Rockford University's Career Development Department. What is the RU Career Closet? The Career Closet is a place where Rockford University Students can find professional clothing for FREE! The Career Closet is donation-driven and designed specifically for RU students who are looking for professional clothing to wear for an interview...

Innovation Israel Informational Session

Burpee Regents 5050 East State Street, Burpee, ROCKFORD

Israel not on your “bucket list”? Maybe it should be…We are all entrepreneurs at heart, after all, we began as a country of hunters and gatherers. On Wednesday, February 3, and Thursday, February 4, from 12 p.m.-1 p.m. in Regents Hall, Dr. Renee Just will lead an informational session about Innovation Israel. Please stop by...

Online Brown Bag – Dr. Mary Weaks-Baxter and Dr. Belinda Wholeben present “Jane Addams’ Education at Rockford Female Seminary”

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

On Monday, February 8, at 3 p.m., Dr. Mary Weaks-Baxter, Andrew H. Sherratt College Professor and Director of the Jane Addams Center, and Dr. Belinda Wholeben, Professor Emerita of Psychology and Founding Director of the Jane Addams Center, will present “Jane Addams’ Education at Rockford Female Seminary,” a talk on Addams’ education and experiences at...


Meet Our Community Partners: Heartland Hospice

Heartland Hospice will be our featured community partner on Feb. 10 (Wed.) at 12 noon for the first Meet Our Community Partners event of Spring 2021. Heartland Hospice Volunteer Coordinator and Rockford University alum Pam Ward-Carr will join us to talk about the work of Heartland Hospice and ways we at RU can help support...

RU Career Closet & Professional Headshots

Blanche Walker Burpee Student Center 5050 East State St., Rockford, IL, United States

The RU Career Closet is presented by the Rockford University's Career Development Department. It is located in the Grace Roper Lounge of the Burpee Student Center. What is a Professional Headshot?  A professional headshot is a photograph you use to create a personal brand of who you are. Professional headshots focus on your upper body,...

Men Of Color Mentors Share “A Walk Through History”

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

"Black History is American History." Men of Color Mentors are excited to be celebrating historical black figures, events, and culture that have influenced American society. Take a Walk Through History...

CCCI CareerFest

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

As a part of the College Career Consortium of Illinois (CCCI), Rockford University students and alumni have access to CareerFest, its Spring 2021 Virtual Career Fair.  About CareerFest 2021: The 32nd Annual CareerFest is planned for Friday, February 12, 2021 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. via Handshake.  CareerFest will include local and regional employers offering internships,...