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Campus Events

Virtual Reality Night with Computer Science Club

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

Join the Computer Science Club for a virtual reality experience in the new eSports Arena! There are 16 spots available. See you at 4:00 pm in the Den!

Commuter Council Trunk or Treat and Drive-In Movie

Parking lot A 5050 E. State St., Rockford, IL, United States

Join the Commuter Council for a Campus Community Trunk or Treat! There will be plenty of snacks and giveaways from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm with Halloween Town the movie...

United Nations Day with U.N. Club

Blanche Walker Burpee Student Center 5050 East State St., Rockford, IL, United States

Join the United Nations Club in celebration of United Nations Day on the First Floor of the Burpee Student Center! The world celebrates United Nations day every October 24th to...

Business Management Information Session

Rockford University’s Puri School of Business will host a free Business Management Information Session on Thursday, October 24, 2019, beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Chop it up

Rockford University 5050 E. State St. , Rockford, IL, United States

Minority Male Program, lets think about the future with Logan Glendenning.

John Wick 3 with Movie Club

Severson Auditorium - Scarborough Hall IL

Join Movie Club for a screening of the Movie, John Wick 3 in Scarborough Auditorium!


Join Rafael E. Vera on Oct. 25 for a reception in the gallery!