Did you know domestic violence is the 3rd leading cause of homelessness among families? We aim to help put an end to domestic violence as supporter of the "Put a Nail in It," an initiative sponsored by Safe Horizons and the No More campaign. This is the second year RU has participated in solidarity with...
The tournament will be at 7 p.m. on Oct. 23 in the multipurpose room in Seaver. Teams of six are required for entry into the tournament, but there will also be games available for students who don't want to play as teams! To enter your team, email Taylor Larson at tlarson@rockford.edu. Provide your team name,...
Join the Compliance and Title IX Office and Lang Health, students, employees, and several other campus partners to read a proclamation for taking a stand against domestic violence. With 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men experiencing the impact of domestic violence in their lifetime, we encourage you to stand in solidarity by...
Come watch Annabelle 3 in Severson (Scar) Auditorium at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017. *This is a Student Activities sponsored event and is only open to the Rockford University campus community.
The Crescent Circus delivers a fusion of international award-winning magic, circus stunts featured on "The Tonight Show" and wildly interactive comedy. Students will be the stars of the show as their minds are read and they even get to FEEL the magic happen. With knives whirling through the air as performers balance on top of...
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