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Campus News / News

Annual Student Showcase happening April 22

04/21/2015 10:52 am

For immediate release: 4/21/2015
Contact: Director of Communications Rita Elliott, 815-226-3374

Rockford, Ill. – The annual Student Showcase will be held Wednesday, April 22, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in Burpee, 5050 E. State St., Rockford. A variety of academic achievements from the 2014-2015 school year will be on display including senior seminar projects, undergraduate research, poems, short stories, artwork and performances. Work from an assortment of majors and minors will be featured including biology, history, nursing, performing arts, English, and math.

The following students will be presenting:


Title of Project

Allison Jackson, Laina Scheri

Nursing Quality Improvement Project – Small Baby Unit

Amanda Kwiek, Monica Cronk

Quality Improvement – Acuity model

Anna Haggerty, Taylor Inghram

Time Management of PICC Line Insertions

Chelsea Callahan, Salomi Joseph

Diabetic Battle: Feat of the Feet

Elizabeth Jackson, Jessica Lieske

Educating Pregnant Women on the Importance of carrying to 40 weeks

Jasmine Moore, Nicole Morud

Decreasing In-patient falls

Julie Gustafson, Jennifer Kinder

Dementia: Where do we go from here?

Kathryn Polnow, Melissa Ross

Hand Hygiene and Infectious Diseases

Kirsten Bergin, Christine Wilson

Reducing Readmission Rates in COPD and CHF Patients

Lindsay Lundvall, DeAnna MacLaren

Standardizing Diabetes Education in Pediatric Patient at Rockford Memorial Hospital

Nicholas Nowdomski, Becky Pondel

Sexual Transmitted Infections and Their Affect Upon Teen Populations

Stefanie Hargraves, Caitlin Johnson

Proper Electrode Placement

Stephanie Kelley, Kelly Nolan

Emergency Department to Inpatient Transition Flow: A Study Conducted on a 20 Bed ICU Step Down Unit

Allison Jackson, Brittany Capp, Megan Middendorf, Elizabeth Jackson, Lindsay Lundvall, Jasmine Moore, Becky Pondel, Briana Watkins, DeAnna MacLaren

NSNA 2015 Annual Convention

Christopher Steele

Automated Theorem Proving

Emily Wallace

Population Modeling

Monica C. Parsons

Seeing the Tune: Models of the Math Behind Music

Neil Moallem

The Monte Carlo Method: What It Is, How It Works, and Why We Use It

Timothy Wienand

Predicting the Stock Market

Paige Clough, Aleksandra Kuljanin

An assessment of the impact of prairie restoration on rodent population and community dynamics in northern Illinois