Prerequisite Courses

MBA 502 Survey of the Principles of Economics
An intensive survey of the principles of micro- and macro-economics analysis for graduate students who have had little or no recent work in economics. 

Skills developed: Writing, problem-solving and analytical.
Practical application: Discussions regarding the impact of economic topics on organizations.

MBA 518 Business Finance
Provides insight into the basic conceptual framework within which financial management occurs. Study of the use of appropriate tools to derive objective information is integrated with an appreciation for the necessity of sound judgment within the decision-making process of the firm. 
PRQ: ACCT 223 and 224 or BSAD 524 or its equivalent.

Skills developed: Analytical and problem-solving.
Practical application: Analysis of financial information.

MBA 524 Accounting Concepts
A comprehensive introduction to accounting concepts in organizations. Both financial and managerial principles are covered. Emphasis is placed on the users of accounting information. The development, presentation, and limitations of accounting, and the use of accounting as a control device will be discussed.

Skills developed: Analytical and problem-solving.
Practical application: Analysis of corporate financial statements and reports.

Core Courses

MBA 503 Managerial Economics
Introduces microeconomic theory and analysis that is useful in managerial decision making and policy formulation. Applies economic principles to analysis of production, marketing, and financial issues and to developing general operating strategies. Linear programming, input-output analysis and other quantitative techniques are introduced.
PRQ: Econ 101/102 or MBA 502.

Skills developed: Analytical and problem solving.
Practical application: Analysis of case problems using collaborative learning, mathematical tools, computer software and non-quantitative reasoning.

MBA 504 Business and the National Economy
Considers public economic policies to control price levels, employment levels, and economic growth rate, and their impact on the firm and the nation. Includes discussions of national income accounting, factors responsible for economic fluctuations, and the role of fiscal and monetary policy. Use of economic indicators and development of simple forecasting models for decision-making are considered.
PRQ: Econ 101/102 or MBA 502 or equivalent.

Skills developed: Analytical, research, presentation, and problem solving.
Practical application: Weekly discussions of current articles from the Wall Street Journal to relate theory to the economic news, research conducted on current economic topics, and formal topic presentations.

MBA 510 Legal Environment of Business
Examines the legal environment in which business operates, presenting selective problems of a commercial society and how laws respond to them. Topics include how courts, taxation and regulation, governments, administrative law, antitrust law, labor law, and legal trends affect business policy.

Skills developed: Analytical, research, problem-solving and presentation.
Practical application: Research of current legal matters, and written analysis of the research, focusing on how the legal matter relates to business.

MBA 530 Managerial Accounting and Control
Discusses the use of accounting in managing and controlling a firm. Use of financial statements by managers and outsiders will be covered, with emphasis on using managerial accounting information to report, evaluate, and control performance.
PRQ: BSAD 524 or equivalent.

Skills developed: Analytical, problem solving and speaking.
Practical application: Case study project on comparative material plan systems.

MBA 540 Financial Management
Studies the financial framework in which business operates and principles governing the operation of financial markets. Examines reasons for choosing capital-investment projects, sources and uses of short-term and long-term corporate financing, and valuation problems.
PRQ: MBA 518 or equivalent and MBA 530.

Skills developed: Team-building, communications, critical thinking, and leadership.
Practical application: Computer simulations, practical case analysis, and presentations.

MBA 550 Management Theory and Practice
Emphasizes the functional areas of planning, organizing, leading and controlling an organization from a historical perspective and current practices. Behavioral aspects of management including leadership, motivation and organizational theory are also studied.

Skills developed: Analytical, speaking, writing and leadership.
Practical application: Case study analysis, presentation of current management book.

MBA 560 Marketing
Analyzes the formation of marketing policies and strategies. Examines product planning and development, selection and development of marketing channels, marketing research, and cost allocation. Managerial aspects of marketing and the relationship of marketing to the total organizational operation are discussed.

Skills developed: Problem solving, presentation, and team building.
Practical application: Case analysis, marketing consulting projects for local organizations.

MBA 580 Introduction to Business Research
Emphasizes understanding research purposes and processes from the viewpoint of a producer and/or consumer of research. Topics include problem analysis and hypothesis formulation; research design and implementation; and analysis of research results.

Skills developed: Research, oral, project management, problem-solving, and analytical.
Practical application: Applied research for a local organization, analysis of current research.

MBA 590 Organizational Communication
A study of communications in an organizational context. The course will examine the different modes and methods of communication that occur in organizations, and will help students become more effective communicators in all organizational settings. The areas of communication that will be concentrated on include: written, verbal, and non-verbal, presentations, meetings, diversity and listening skills.

Skills developed: Writing, speaking, problem solving, and team building.
Practical application: Problem-solving report and presentation on work-related topics.

MBA 696 Management Planning and Strategies
Investigates the forming, implementing and evaluating of strategic planning within an organization. Focuses on management policy-making and problem analysis in light of the relationships between an organization and its owners, customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, various governments, the media and other special-interest groups. Presents the organizational enterprise as part of a larger social, political and economic system.
PRQ: MBA 510, MBA 540, MBA 550, MBA 560.

Skills developed: Problem-solving, analytical, writing, research, leadership, conceptual, team-building and presentation
Practical application: Computer simulation, written/oral case analysis, development of corporate reports, individual and group presentations

Elective Courses

MBA 505 Business Law I
An introductory course in private law with emphasis on its application to business. The case analysis method is used to survey the legal environment in which business decisions are made. Study will focus on the legal reasoning and philosophy underlying both common and statutory laws.

Skills developed: Analytical, research, case analysis.
Practical application: Discussion of current cases and court decisions.

MBA 506 Business Law II
A second course in private law, distinct from BA 505, focusing on settling controversies between individuals over issues that concern mainly themselves. Topics include several kinds of property law, including land law, the law of the transmission of wealth, and the law of business organization.
Note: this course is offered during the day

Skills developed: Analytical, research, case analysis.
Practical application: Discussion of current cases and court decisions.

MBA 509 Public Finance
This course will examine basic principles of financial management as they apply to public and not-for-profit organizations. Issues will include budgeting and costs, financial accountability, governance and decision making structures, and relations with governmental and private funding sources. Where appropriate comparisons will be made between public and not-for-profit finance on the one hand, and with for profit finance on the other hand.
PRQ: MBA 502 or equivalent

Skills developed: Analytical, problem solving and speaking.
Practical application: Discussions and research concerning actual financial problems faced by public and not-for-profit organizations.

MBA 529 Public and Not-for Profit Accounting Concepts
This course introduces core concepts and tools of accounting, reporting and financing for managers of public and nonprofit organizations. Students will learn a combination of managerial accounting concepts as applied to the unique financial requirements of public and not-for-profit entities. Topics will include capital budgeting, variance analysis, accounting for contributions and the financial statement preparation and presentation for public and not-for-profit organizations.
PRQ: MBA 524 or equivalent

Skills developed: Analytical, problem-solving and speaking.
Practical applications: Case study project.

MBA 561 Government and Business
The growth of government influence in the economic sector from both theoretical and historical viewpoints. Particular emphasis is placed on antitrust activity, government regulatory agencies, government prohibition of activities, and government run economic enterprises.

MBA 641 Investment Management
Surveys and evaluates techniques of investment analysis and portfolio management. The theories of efficient capital markets and hedging models are emphasized.
PRQ: MBA 540

Skills developed: Problem-solving, analytical, oral, written, and research.
Practical application: Analysis of investment portfolios, individual and group presentations.

MBA 645 Fund Development and Marketing
Provides an understanding of the many fund development techniques and funding sources that generate financial support for government agencies an not-for-profit organizations, as well as the context in which these methods may be used. Topics include the relationship between strategic planning and fund development, fund-raising options and processes, gathering community support, establishing business partnerships, lobbying, developing and communicating a clear message both internally and externally to the organization, sing the correct marketing techniques to support fund development activities, and ethical considerations of fund development.
PRQ: MBA 560

Skills developed: Leadership, writing, problem-solving and presentation.
Practical application: Development of a fund development plan for an organization or event.

MBA 650 Operations Management
Introduces and analyzes the managerial decisions made in the production of goods and services. Topics include theoretical foundations for operations management, approaches to production problems, production processes, layout decisions, maintenance, scheduling, quality, and production control in both service and manufacturing environments.
PRQ: MBA 550

Skills developed: Analytical, presentation, written, and team building.
Practical application: Case analysis, individual and group presentations, application to current organizational situations.

MBA 651 Organizational Behavior
Examines the influence of individual values and beliefs, management and leadership, groups, culture and structure have on the people in organizations. Reviews motivation theory, interpersonal relationships, and group dynamics as applied to managing efforts to obtain personal and organizational goals.

Skills developed: Problem-solving, presentation, writing, leadership, and team-building.
Practical application: Written case analysis, group presentations, application to current organizational situations.

MBA 652 International Business
Examines the markets of multinational firms and the strategies and practices needed to service and expand in the international marketplace. Topics include marketing, research, production, labor costs, distribution systems, and management.
PRQ: MBA 550, MBA 560

Skills developed: Analytical, written, research, presentation, cultural.
Practical application: Group presentations, in-depth research on specific countries, presentations on current topics affecting international operations.

MBA 654 Human Resource Management
Analyzes dynamic interactions of individual needs, company goals, and environmental factors in relation to the human resource function. Focuses on understanding human behavior and the management skills and knowledge needed to manage the human resource function while trying to meet organizational objectives. Special focus is placed on challenges managers face in relation to recruiting, hiring, training, developing, and managing an organization’s human resources.
PRQ: MBA 550

Skills developed: Analytical, written, presentation, training and team building.
Practical application: Oral case analysis, individual and group presentations.

MBA 660 Consumer Behavior
Focuses on buyer behavior, including theoretical bases and applications to problems of management. Topics include motivation, learning, attitude formation, and the relationship between attitudes and behavior as applied to buyers. Innovation, market communication, and the social cultural concepts underlying strategies of market segmentation also are discussed.
PRQ: MBA 560

Skills developed: Written, case analysis, research, and presentation.
Practical application: Written/oral case analysis, individual and group presentations.

MBA 661 Promotion Policies and Management
An analysis of promotion problems and opportunities from a managerial perspective. The role of promotion in the total set of marketing strategies and an evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion expenditures are discussed.

Skills developed: Problem-solving, analytical, written, and oral.
Practical application: Written/oral case analysis, individual and group presentations.

MBA 665 Public and Not-for-Profit Management
Compares and contrasts business management with public and not-for-profit management. Functions common to all forms of management will be examined, as well as the functions and procedures unique to each form of management. Case studies and, where appropriate, work projects for public and not-for-profit organizations will be employed to illustrate issues and problems of public and not-for-profit management.
PRQ: MBA 560

Skills developed: Presentation, analytical and writing.
Practical application: Organizational case studies and projects for public and not-for-profit organizations.

MBA 670 International Trade/Financial Management
An analysis of fundamental economic principles, forces, and governmental policies which determine economic relations between countries under changing world conditions; and an investigation of theories and practices of international financial management. Topics include international trade theory, balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, international capital budgeting, multinational enterprises, and the international monetary system.
PRQ: MBA 502, MBA 540

Skills developed: Problem-solving, analytical, written, research, and financial.
Practical application: Written/oral practical case studies, individual and group presentations.

MBA 680 Information Systems in Organizations
A comprehensive presentation of the flow of information in a organization. Topics range from the completely manual system to the most sophisticated computerized environment. Includes human interaction as well as methods of choosing, designing, implementing, and evaluating an information system.
PRQ: MBA 580

Skills developed: Problem-solving, analytical, communication, process flow.
Practical application: Written/oral practical case studies and individual/ group presentations.

MBA 685 Contemporary Topics & Issues in Organizations
A critical examination of developments that are pertinent to those completing an MBA including selected current issues and topics. Course content may change each time offered. May be repeated for credit.
PRQ: Depends on the topic.

Skills developed: Depends on the topic.
Practical application: Depends on the topic

Office of Admission

Johnson Center
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm
After hour appointments available by request.