Frequently Asked Questions

What is an educational assistance program?
Many companies have programs which will pay an employee’s cost of continuing their education. Some programs will pay for all educational costs (tuition, fees, textbooks, etc.), while others may have restrictions based on grade achievement, expense ceilings, or relationship of courses to job requirements.

Where do I get information about educational assistance?
Your company’s human resource department should have information regarding eligibility requirements for participation. Most company’s have established policies regarding application and approval for reimbursement of educational expenses.

What if my employer has an educational assistance program that will reimburse me after I have completed my classes, but I don’t have the money to pay at the beginning of the semester?

Rockford University’s Employer Reimbursement/Tuition Deferment program is designed to help you achieve your educational goals with the assistance of your employer.

What is the Employer Reimbursement/Tuition Deferment program?

In partnership with you and your employer, Rockford University will defer your tuition payment up to 30 days after conclusion of the semester to allow time for your employer to reimburse you. The program is limited to reimbursable tuition costs only; registration fees, course fees and textbook costs are not eligible for deferment even though your employer may reimburse you for their cost.

How can I participate?

The Student Administrative Services (SAS) must receive proof of your eligibility to receive educational assistance. The following information must be included: student’s name and social security number; authorizing signature and individual’s title; company name, address and phone number; courses to be taken (including credit hour value); reimbursement levels and related grade requirements.

Most company’s educational assistance forms include this information. A copy of your completed and approved company form is acceptable. If your company does not have a standard form, please complete and return the reimbursement form.

Are there any restrictions?

You must pay any part of the tuition that is not reimbursed and all non-tuition costs before your registration can be confirmed. Your employer approval form also must be received by the Business Office before the first day of classes each semester.

If I submitted an approval form previously, must I complete another one for the current semester?

Yes. Your eligibility must be verified for each semester you attend. We require re-verification due to possible changes in employment status and potential revisions in company policies.

Once the semester has ended, how long do I have to pay Rockford University?

Payment is due no later than 30 days after the end of the semester. After 30 days, the balance will be due regardless of whether you have received reimbursement from your employer. Balances remaining at that time will be assessed a 1.5 percent monthly service charge. (Please note: You may lose eligibility to participate in the program if you fail to pay by the due date.)

Where can I get additional information and assistance?

Contact Student Administrative Services at 815-226-4062.

Office of Admission

Johnson Center
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm
After hour appointments available by request.


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