• Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA in all required graduate course work attempted in the MAT program.
  • A “B” average is required in all 600 level foundations courses, with no courses accepted in which graded below a “C” have been earned. A 600 level foundations course can be repeated only once.
  • Students with baccalaureate degrees from accredited colleges or universities may register for graduate level course work for which they have met the prerequisites as non-degree seeking students-at-large.
  • If a student chooses to apply to the MAT program to seek a degree, only a maximum of 12 hours will be accepted at the time of matriculation upon the approval of the MAT committee.
  • Students are expected to enroll in at least one course every school year (fall semester through summer session). Students who are not enrolled for two years (six concurrent semesters), which includes summer semesters, will be deactivated. To be readmitted, students must reapply and follow the rules, regulations, and requirements in effect at the time of reapplication.
  • For Rockford University’s policy on adding and dropping courses, please refer to the Rockford University Academic Regulations.
  • Matriculated students must have signed Plans of Study on file before they will be allowed to register for certain courses or graduate. Plans must be developed in consultation with their advisors before the pre-registration period.
  • Students must complete all requirements for the degree within five years.
  • Upon approval, a maximum of six semester hours of appropriate graduate credit completed elsewhere within the past five years, with a grade of at least B, may be counted toward the degree requirements. The courses must not be part of another master’s degree program. Determination of the acceptance of transfer credit will be made at the time of matriculation.  Application for transfer credit subsequent to matriculation must be approved before students register for courses at other institutions.
  • Students seeking state licensure as part of the MAT program must take and pass one of the following: Basic Skills Test, Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP), ACT w/Writing, SAT test, prior to taking specific classes.
  • Some graduate courses are dual-listed with undergraduate courses. Course requirements will differ for graduate students enrolled in these courses.
  • All Instructional Strategies MAT students are required to submit a professional portfolio which shows concrete, observable evidence of mastery of teaching skills. Complete details on this portfolio will be provided upon admittance.
  • Typically, the MAT degree is a 36 credit hour program. However, a 32 credit hour plus thesis/project option is available. Full details on this option will be made available upon request.
  • Students must complete and submit to the Office of Student Administrative Services two graduation forms, along with the graduation fee in order to have their degree posted on their transcript.  Forms can be found on this website.

It is your responsibility to be familiar with all of the policies and procedures of your program.  A complete list of policies and procedures listed in the Academic Catalog.

Office of Admission

Johnson Center
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm
After hour appointments available by request.