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- Search All Library Resources
Search across all of the content that the library owns, from books in the library to article databases, online encyclopedias, and streaming video.
- Academic Search Complete
This huge database is a good place to start for scholarly articles and news on almost any topic. It contains a subset of the articles available in Search All Library Resources.
- E-books
The best way to search for e-books is by searching in All Resources and selecting E-books as the source type.- Other e-book resources available:
- Oxford Scholarship Online Access to e-books through Oxford’s 18 Partner Presses.
- University Press Scholarship Online Access to e-books published between 2018-2021.
- Wiley Online Library Access to over 3,000 e-books published between 2017-2021.
- Other e-book resources available:
- Academic Search Complete Huge collection of scholarly articles on many topics.
- African-American History Organized around the history of African-Americans in the U.S., this collection contains primary source documents and scholarly essays on African-American history.
From the National Agricultural Library. Contains citations about all aspects of agriculture and related fields. Includes: journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports.
- AHFS Consumer Medication Information Published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, AHFS includes more than a thousand drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers.
- Alt HealthWatch Provides information on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to healthcare and wellness. Sources include journals (some peer-reviewed) and reports.
- American Chemical Society Journals Full-text access to scholarly journals in chemistry and related fields.
- Anthropological Index Free searchable database of citations for articles in field of anthropology.
- Arxiv Open access database of articles and pre-prints in physics, math, and computer science.
- Biography Reference Source
More than 390,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies. - Black Freedom Struggle in the U.S. Contains open primary source documents including historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, and correspondence from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom.
- Black Thought & Culture Contains complete published non-fiction works, interviews, journal articles, speeches, essays, pamphlets, and letters of leading African Americans through history.
- Business and Economics (Films on Demand) Full-length video recordings on business and economics topics.
- Business Source Elite Best place to start for business info. Find journal articles on business topics, business-oriented trade magazines, and Datamonitor company profiles. Plentiful full-text.
- CINAHL Complete Best place to start for scholarly journal articles and trade magazines related to all aspects of health and medicine, selected specifically for field of nursing. Mostly full-text.
- Civic Sociology Civic Sociology is an open access journal from the University of California Press that aims to reconstruct the disciplinary knowledge of sociology.
- Consumer Health Complete A comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content.
- Credo Reference Search online versions of nearly 1,000 specialized encyclopedias. A great place to start your research.
- Criminological Highlights Criminological Highlights offers a look at currently published criminological inquiry with a focus on policy-relevant research.
- Digital Theater Plus High quality video recordings of plays performed by the world’s top theater companies.
- Directory of Open Access Journals The largest repository for open access journals in all subjects.
An electronic database of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to access corporate filings.
Largest collection of articles and other resources in the field of education. Some full-text. - Ethnic Diversity Source
This full-text database is a dedicated resource covering the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America.
- European Views of the Americas
Comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
- Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia Over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas.
- GreenFile Interdisciplinary database of scholarly articles relating to the environment and environmental change.
- HarpWeek Search issues from 1857 to 1912 of Harper’s Weekly, one of the most important American magazines in the 19th century.
- Health Source – Consumer Edition This database provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines, topics include the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.
- Health Source – Nursing/Academic edition Another great source for scholarly info related to nursing, including info on prescription drugs and other supplements.
- HeinOnline HeinOnline is an online research platform that provides more than 194 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, case law, international resources, and much more. The platform is composed of fully-searchable image-based PDFs, and each image is an exact replication of its print counterpart.
- History Reference Source
Covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century, this database contains full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents.
- JSTOR JSTOR is a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources.
- Legal Information Source
Thousands of legal forms by topic including Bankruptcy, Divorce, Name Changes, Wills & Estate Planning and more. Most of the full text legal reference books provided through NOLO. - Legal Source
A scholarly resource of current issues, studies, and trends of the legal world. For attorneys, educators, businesspeople, law librarians, students, and paralegals. - LGBTQ+ Source
LGBTQ+ Source is the definitive database for LGBTQ+ studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines, newspapers, and videos. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms. - Library & Information Science Source
Journals and periodicals that help librarians and researchers keep pace with the latest trends in the field. - Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) Indexes over 600 journals in the area of library and information science. Some full-text.
- Literary Reference Source
Full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals, and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories, and poems.
- MAS Ultra – School Edition Designed specifically for high school libraries, and contains magazine articles, encyclopedias, biographies, and images.
- Masterfile Premier Database of newspaper, magazine, and academic journal articles designed specifically for public libraries, including a digital image collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags.
- Medline Database of biomedical and life sciences journal articles.
- Military & Government Collection Full text for nearly 300 journals and periodicals providing current news on all branches of the military and government.
- MLA International Bibliography Best and largest collection of scholarly journal articles, books, and dissertations on language and literature. Some full-text.
- Musical Theater Songs Musical Theater Songs easy-to-use interface lets you enter up to 20-plus parameters (character age, ease for accompanist, popularity, tempo, vocal range with interactive keyboard, year, etc.) plus over 100 descriptive tags, to generate a list of songs tailored to your needs from an ever-growing database. draws from 150 years of musical theater repertoire, ranging from well-known standards to rare finds to the latest work from today’s new creators, to help you find the right songs quickly and easily.
- Newspaper Source Full-text access to global and local newspapers.
- The Observatory of Economic Complexity An online resource for international trade data and economic complexity indicators available through interactive visualizations of countries and products.
- Oxford Classical Dictionary Find brief articles on major topics, places, and people relating to ancient Greece and Rome.
- Oxford English Dictionary The most comprehensive dictionary of English, with detailed etymologies.
- Perspectives on Terrorism Perspectives on Terrorism seeks to provide a unique platform for established and emerging scholars to present their perspectives on the developing field of terrorism studies and scholarship.
- Points of View Reference Source
Presents multiple sides of over 500 issues. Helps students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
- Primary Search Designed specifically for elementary school libraries, and allows you to filter by reading level.
- Professional Development Collection Designed for professional educators, and contains scholarly journals, education reports, and other resources for teachers.
- Project Muse Humanities-focused database of scholarly journals. Full-text access.
- PsycArticles+PsycInfo Best place to find scholarly articles in field of psychology.
- PsycTests Covers non-proprietary tests and measures in psychology.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Covers a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences, and related disciplines. For psychologists, counselors, researchers, and students.
- Public Library of Science Collection of open access journals in the sciences.
- PubMed Largest index of citations for scholarly journal articles in health and medicine. Some full-text.
- Qualitative Report
The Qualitative Report is a peer-reviewed, online monthly journal devoted to writing and discussion of and about qualitative, critical, action, and collaborative inquiry and research.
- Regional Business News Find articles from publications that cover business news locally and regionally. E.g., Crain’s, Indianapolis Business Journal, etc. Plentiful full-text.
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
Hundreds of full-text journals and magazines covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy, and philosophy of language.
- Sanborn Maps of Illinois Sanborn maps were originally created to help fire insurance companies determine the risks associated with insuring properties. Collection includes maps from 1867-1970.
On Campus Link
Off Campus Link
- Saskia Fine Art Images The collection contains 30,000 digital images of paintings, sculpture and architecture, including images from the world’s top museums.
On Campus Link
Off Campus Link - Science Reference Source
Provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos. The database also contains science experiments, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, and a vast image collection. - Small Business Source
Covers all aspects of starting and operating a business. Includes information on accounting, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. State-specific information included.
- TOCS-IN Citations for scholarly journal articles in Classics (on ancient Greece and Rome). No full-text.
- Women and Social Movements Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000, this collection contains primary source documents and scholarly essays on women’s history.